Thursday, 15 September 2011

Media Language Revision

Media Language Revision

These are the key terms and their meanings that I have revised.

Denotation- What is literally in the picture
Connotation- The different interpretations which might be associated with the picture

Font - Appearance of size of lettering
Colours - And their connotations
Layout - Appearance of the page, combination of images and text and their positions
Vocabulary - Choice of words
Puns - Plays on a multiple meaning
Metaphor - A verbal image, making association between the object and something else, in order to deepen perception of the original object
Position signs - The position of the camera in relation to subject and viewer - and its significance
Phonemes - Units of sound, in this context, misspelling (wot instead of what)
Lighting - High/low key; high/low contrast.
Composition - How the content of the shot is planned and placed
Framing - What is included and excluded, to balance the shot.
Cropping - Cutting off sides of the picture to strengthen framing choices.
Content signs - The Mise en scene and how it communicates a message
Anchoring - Text or explanation of the image
Sight lines - Where are the eyes looking, why?
Sex appeal - To whom? How? Why?
Archetypes - Typical versions of, for example, masculinity or feminitity, or any sorts of peron.
Dress codes - Meanings conveyed through clothing choices
Design - The overall artwork and use of graphics - album covers are often highly designed
Symbols - A picture that has a significance of meaning beyondthe literal, usually following a pattern that is learned as part of cultural competence - a flag symboling patriotism.
Treatment signs - The detail (type, angle, strength of lighting, colour, focus, composition, framing) and how it affects our understanding of the meaning of the image

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